Controversy continues to surround the Apple iphone launch – as the following samples of news reports from a variety of top tech news reporters illustrates: – by Ryan Haynes 2 May 2007 – There hasn’t been a week without further reports on the iPhone, rumours and speculation around delay and technical problems now also lay claim that two versions maybe released. With the European launch of the iPhone set
Microsoft’s Ballmer Dismisses iPhone
NewsFactor Network – “There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share,” Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said. “No chance.” Ballmer said that he’d rather have the Windows Mobile 6 operating system on 60 to 80 percent of all phones that get sold
Will Apple Be Able To Meet iPhone Demand?
Podcasting News – Interest in Apple s upcoming iPhone appears to be growing. According to ChangeWave analyst Paul Carton , their research reveals exceptionally high levels of excitement surround the iPhone s upcoming release. Nearly one-in-10 respondents (9
New iPhone images surface, features added? [updated]
iLounge – In an e-mail sent out today by AT&T to potential iPhone customers, additional images of the iPhone emerged, one of which subtly shows off two undemonstrated features in the device s Google Maps application. Buttons labeled Map, Satellite