Fort Worth Star-Telegram – Cisco, Apple settle ‘iPhone’ dispute Cisco Systems Inc. and Apple Inc. have agreed to share the “iPhone” name, but both companies are staying tightlipped about what future products might come from the resulting deal to collaborate on
Apple/Cisco iPhone lovefest (and naked virgins)
Computerworld – Although Apple Inc. and Cisco Systems Inc. remained mum today on the details of their deal to share the “iPhone” trademark, some analysts said Cisco got the short end of the stick. Yesterday, the two companies announced that they would both use the
Hard-Drive Capacity Math: Tech Clinic
Popular Mechanics – CES 2007 Get hands-on with the newest innovations from PM’s tech team: 24 videos, live blogging from Instapundit Glenn Reynolds, podcasting and a cheaper iPhone.
Apple Settles iPhone Suit With Cisco
All Headline News – New York, NY (AHN) – Apple Inc. has settled its naming rights suit over its new iPhone with Cisco, after signing an out-of-court agreement of which the terms have not been disclosed. Apple launched its much-anticipated iPhone, which combines a mobile