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So you have finally made the grade and have a wonderful new iPhone. That’s fantastic – welcome to the club! Of course we know this is not your first cell phone. You have no doubt had several others and so the fact that there are nasty people out there trying their best to cheat you out of your money by using phone scams won’t be news to you.
Apple has the reputation for being difficult for viruses to attack. So you might think that your iPhone offers you more protection than other mobiles you have owned. But what it cannot protect you against is cons aimed at tricking YOU!
To give you an idea of what you are facing lets take a look at Smishing and Vishing.
“Smishing” or “vishing” scams target your mobile phone, and because so many Americans own cell phones, these scams are becoming more and more prevalent.
“Smishing” is a combination of SMS texting and phishing (getting you to provide your personal details). You might get a text message warning you that your account is overdrawn or some other account related call. You are then requested to visit a website or call a number where you will be requested to provide personal details.
“Vishing” uses voice and phishing where a voice message is left and again you will be directed to a number or website. Again, never provide your personal details over the phone or in response to a message that has been left on your phone. Always check with you bank and credit union before you take any action.
Now that iphone banking is gaining in popularity there is need to be even more vigilant. If you have a jailbroken iPhone for example (so tempting as it frees us to use a service provider of our own choice), then you need to be particularly careful about what you download. Cell phones are being increasingly targeted by viruses that aim to steal your banking ID and details.
For more information check out the FBI website – it will give you sleepless nights!