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Mailshot is a super easy to use App that allows us to send up to 50 emails at a shot to a group of friends or even clients. We have been planning on doing a post about this neat little app for some time.
Now the team here got interested in the App when we were asked by an up-and-coming personal trainer if we knew of any way to send out an email to a small group of people so that he could quickly and easily keep his clients updated. He did not want to learn how to use email clients or even Twitter. He is mobile savvy and anyway his clients tend to be in the older age group and not really Twits!
We were reviewing Mailshot at the time and got him to give it a go. And it was exactly what he needed.
Because we are impressed with this little utility, we were sympathetic when the developers wrote to us asking if we could help them to communicate with existing clients – as they have discovered a BIG problem with iTunes. It turns out that if an App has a temporarily problem, then it is removed from iTunes – with no place holders allowed. So then no-one knows what has happened to it! Here is an excerpt from their email:
“We released a new update (1.40) yesterday which added a lot of new features. Unfortunately within a few hours of the release we learned of a (small) problem … we felt it best to pull MailShot from App Stores worldwide …
Unfortunately there is no way to roll back an update on the App Store, or of even informing customers what has happened …
so we hope that you may be able to let some of them know through your news pages. A fixed version has already been resubmitted to Apple, and we expect to be back on the App Store as soon as it is approved- probably within 5 to 10 working days as Apple are quite quick at the moment.”
Clearly these are good guys. If you have not tried the App then keep an eye out for it and give it a go. It is super easy to use and just perfect for those small email send outs to your club, or for family parties etc. Can’t give you the link as – of course – there is not one at present. We will keep you updated and let you know when it is available again.
And as a further kick in the teeth for this developer, Apple is serving up a similar-sounding app in its place!! That is, when you type in Mailshot, amazingly, iTunes delivers a different-spelled but similar sounding app. It is never usually so “helpful”!!
If you want the real deal then MailShot is the way to go. For more information about the App go to the Mailshot website