Here is something that – when you consider the crazy rush to develop iPhone Apps, and the massive popularity of sites like Vistaprint
(in the top 1000 sites on the web) – is quite surprising. There are no decent iPhone apps related to printing or business cards or from the big printing companies.
The big print companies, after all, do huge promotions – like the one illustrated to the left! So why haven’t they developed Apps for us?
Don’t get us wrong! There are hundreds of business apps – and a few of these offer some printing related service (more of this below). But we discovered that most of the apps that offer printing-related or business card-related benefit get the thumbs down from users – with most rating them a 1/5!
Still, given the huge popularity of printing sites and the fact that there are nearly 2 million searches a month for terms like “business cards” and over 7 million searches for “printing”, we decided to see what apps – with ratings over 3/5 – do offer print related solutions for iPhones.
FREE – The Bump App makes the above two obsolete! And really takes advantage of the iPhone technology. All that is required is bumping two hands together while holding an iphone and the contact details are transferred. It does need two iPhones to work! – but is great for exchanging business details with other iPhone owners.
So – eliminates the need for a business card! (3 star rating)
And one printing company has put out an App – HP, of course!
This one is FREE and is called HP iPrintPhoto. With it we can print out 4″ x 6″ photos from images stored on our iPhone from most HP networked ink jet printers so long as they are connected to a local WiFi network. (Thishas a 3 star rating as well)
The Print App costs $2.99 – But, once we install “Print” app on our iPhone and download the free WePrint software for our desktop/laptop we can then print directly from our iPhone. This appps allows us to print out contact address and phone numbers, web pages, and photos from our iPhone Photo Album. We can also take a photos with our iPhone and print it straight away. Handy!(3 star rating)
The ACTPrinter app costs $0.99 – and acts in reverse of the previous app.It allows documents to be printed to the iPhone. It allows us to “print” any document from our Mac to our iPhone or iPod Touch. It means that we can stop wasting paper! (3 star rating)