iPhone humor with a serious message!

13 Jul

Whatever happened to Steve Nojobs? His wacky anti-apple, anti-iphone humor was quite entertaining – especially his ipoor concept – shown below:

Introducing iPoor:

The AMAZING iPoor!


Under the irreverence the blog actually had a compelling purpose – to help get rid of poverty! But in the middle of their expanding the empire… it just stops! No more entries since last year. C’mon Steve, we were just getting us interested!

So iPhone lovers – go check it out. It’s quite entertaining and also refers readers to another site with a heart-of-gold purpose: ripple.com.

Ripple is a great concept in how to help others without it costing us a darn thing!



The way it works, is, when we click on a panel we are shown a small ad. Each time someone looks at the ad it earns advertising dollars. Ripple pays 100% of this to one of the four charities they support. Every time we use their search engine the search sponsors pay a small amount to Ripple. Ripple pays 100% of this to their charities. You can find out more about the charities they support, here