We have been promised – a lot!
And one of those promises has been “transparency” in government. Helping that to become a reality has been the establishment of transparent-gov.com. This site is fueled by the belief that:
Transparency is the essence of good government!
To help with the transmission of information so necessary for transparency, Transparent-gov has today released of a free iPhone App that will serve as a portal for revealing how the recovery budget will be spent – and where!
The App has been well designed with easy to understand graphs that allows us to see exactly what is going on with the recovery spending and who benefits!
And – if this excites you – there’s more!
Go check out the WhiteHouse site and follow the new Open For Questions experiment that was trialled there today. Its a very ambitious and exciting attempt at promoting open politics (as the video below reveals). Whatever your politics, you will have to agree that: