What is it about the iPhone that motivates powerful people to make themselves available – through its interface – to the masses?
We saw the iPhone used effectively by Barack Obama to connect with the electorate during the last election campaign. We also wrote in a recent p[ost about the App that has been developed for the express purpose of promoting “transparency in government“. And the White House has provided us with video and audio podcasts of speeches and remarks by President and First Lady Obama and members of the administration to watch/listen to on our iPhones
The latest development on this front is the appearance of the Pope2You site along with the following free iPhone app – called H2ONews
The wrap on the site tells us:
Through H2Onews, the first video news application dedicated to the
Catholic world, you can follow the travels and speeches of Benedict
XVI, as well as key international ecclesiastical events.
We have the choice of receiving the news via video, audio or text. The app is a little clumsy, in that we have to connect our iPhone to the internet to receive the news download.
But the point is, really, to note that yet another ‘head of state’ is using this technology as a way to connect with the masses. Again – its history in the making, people!