We are very excited about this app – not because its new app – its not. But because we have just worked out that with it we can play online poker from any games room on our iPhone! A couple of us hereon the iPhonegizmo team are mad keen poker players – and know that any reader that plays poker – and has been frustrated by Apple’s refusal to allow poker to be played via iPhones, will also appreciate this app.
Now we are talking real $$’s down poker here – not the “games” that are available through iTunes (did you know that over 40 poker related apps have been released on iTunes in the last two months alone?) Now, if you are not itching to play real $$ online poker, then a good substitute can be got from iTunes called MegaPoker Online (this is the free version – and this is another app which is not backed by a proper site, so be warned). This app lets us play live poker “with real living, breathing people accross the net”. Its poker using play money, but hey, till now that was the best on offer through iTunes.
Now, we’ve worked out that using apps called Jaadu NVC or Jaadu Remote Descktop we can play on our computer via our iPhone. Using either app allows us to access and use our home computer from anywhere in the world. Which means accessing our poker room software as well. (Its not cheap – but if you are like us, you will find it is worth being able to play poker anywhere at anytime!). To see just how cool this app is, check out the following video (its shows Jaadu in use on PCs, not Macs, but its the same benefits on both) :