I’ve just transferred a recent version of NCIS to my iPhone (the one where Tony starts to snoop into Ziva’s personal life). And much to my delight, took less than 10 minutes to get the episode onto my iPhone. And I did it all for free!
Well, I already had the NCIS episode in my files (more of that later). But I used the free version of TransferMy Video
This is pretty cool software that converts video files to iPhone mode really fast and then loads them straight up to iTunes ready to sync to our iPhone.
Now, the free version does have a watermark right in the middle of the screen – which can be annoying. But I recommend you get it because its so easy to use: open TransferMyVideo, click ‘browse’ to find the video file you want to watch on iPhone, click the image icon and choose ‘iPhone’, click ‘start converting’. – DONE! – And if the watermark annoys you – well, its pretty cheap software.
When its finished (less than 10 mins for this 43 min show), iTunes opens up and the video is ready to sync to our iPhone. Best software I have ever used!! (I just spotted this promo for it – its only for the next couple of days, but its worth knowing about)
BTW – while it does rip DVDs, it will not rip ‘copy protected’ DVDs – and let’s face it, these are the ones we want to watch! As for how to do this – and get other movies or TV shows that TransferMy Video can then put on our iPhones? – well that’s a story for another day! No, seriously – we have been testing options over the last few weeks and will do a post on this shortly.