The TextNow app allows free text and picture messaging to any phone in the USA – and whats more the APP is FREE as well. It used to be $7.99 and is now free.Even with a price tag attached this app has been well received with the latest version getting a massive 50% of raters giving it the 5 star rating (few apps do that well). Check out some of the comments
Its the best I activated the textnow voice and its awesome.(emmanuel4)
It’s awesome….. Period!(Vegan chick)
This is so cooool! I luv it:) just wish u didn’t need wifi. (Noisy mouse)
You just have to bear in mind that while the service is free for unlimited text and picture messages, that is because the service is paid for by either
1) the use of advertising or
2) the pay-per-ad-removal subscriptions – which cost $0.99 for a 1-Month ad removal or $5.99 for a 1-Year ad removal.
Still, given the rave reviews and the fact that the app is FREE, we figure it is worth it to give it a try and see if you like it. Free unlimited texting- what’s not to love!