Great Free Videos for your iPhone.

27 Mar

In this post we will show you how to find some unique free videos for your iPhone.

At first look, you might pass by as a source of videos because it is a huge audio podcasting site – there were 1.2 billion podcast download requests from Wizzard in 2008 alone! And their site is not as user-friendly as a site of this magnitude and popularity should be.

free iphone videosspacer8.jpgTo find their video offerings all you can do is go to their site and click the link to “shows” in the top bar. Once you click that and are on the new page put your cursor over “Comedy”. You will get a drop down menu. Select “TV & Film” and you will be taken to the page with “This months top TV and Film shows”.

This month there are 10 videos to choose from (yes, only 10 – despite the category, most are audio!!).

But, you ask: “where are last months shows? or last years shows? How can we find them?” And are these really the only videos on offer”

Good questions! And if you email wizzard and ask – they will tell you that you can only find the shows listed under each category!

Ha! Well, not to worry, we worked out how to find hundreds of videos from their site. There are videos to suit all tastes – from cars to cooking to animation -to short films to crazy sport videos.

They go from the funny to the absurd, from the entertaining to the educational and to suit all ages!

Wizzard video for iPhone

Take the connected to life video podcasts for example (above) – these are high quality, high interest videos that aim at giving parents and kids insight into the best ways and places for kids to use the internet. Take a look at this video by clicking the image:

So how do you find the shows? Just click this link to get hundreds of search results for Wizzard video podcasts

We will cover more sophisticated searches in a later post when we plan to review some of the more interesting Wizzard videos. In the meantime – check them out. You will be pleasantly surprised by some (and disappointed in others – OK they aren’t all worth watching!)