And this was almost great news!
The iPhonegizmop team went into immediate action on hearing about this update, which – according to facebook means:
You can now watch Facebook videos on iPhone.
OK, sweet, we thought! Finally a way to get round the restrictions of watching videos on our iPhone. So, having first updated our facebook app to version 3.1.3, off we trot to CBS and grab the latest NCIS vid:
Then, we send it to Facebook. And yes, that worked – we could watch the video there (OK, so that’s as expected). Looking good, so far.
Yep, here is Ziva being sworn in as a US citizen.
Step 3, open our iphone facebook app. And, yep – there is the video – woo hoo!
Click “play” and get:
So, what videos can we watch? Well, YouTube, of course. But now we can watch the YouTube Videos posted to Facebook on our iPhones. Hmmm – we are underwhelmed.
Now what was the latest NCIS episode called again? Oh yeah: Rule 51 – which happens to be “SOMETIMES -YOU’RE WRONG”. Something for Apple to think about!
Stop fighting you guys and just fix it so we can watch all the great videos out there on our iPhone. We don’t CARE what your argument is about! Just wanna watch this stuff on our iPhone. This is just too bad.
Oh, and BTW – there is no designated video button we can use to view the videos our friends have posted (like on Facebook). And THAT means we have to wait til one of our friends posts a video and then catch it in the “stream” before it passes by!!
We are underwhelmed by the update, I’m afraid. Coulda been good. Just too little to really get excited about it.