The latest generation of accelerometer-based iPhone games has been out long enough for large numbers of people to try them out – and there is now quite a range to choose from:
Without a doubt the graphics are a knockout, and the accelerometer is a novel way to play games:
Check out the graphics on this Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Trailer
But are the games themselves equal to the graphics and the technology they use? In other words, are the games challenging? fun? even addictive? Certainly there are those that don’t think so! Take some of the responses to the Star Wars games trailered above! Peter Cohen from Macworld, says:
Unfortunately, this new Star Wars game proved only that shovelware is shovelware, no matter how shiny and new.
And iTunes commenters say:
ilikemoneys says – This game is pretty lame… I would have liked to control the character
elSaz2 says – would you at least have the decent to include a_real_score and a modicum of new and interesting plot?
Hooloo75 says – Don’t buy… This is reallly lame!!!! Graphics are OK
Do these reviews represent what all iPhone gamers think? Can we expect much for $9.99?
We thought we would find out: