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The great thing about twitter is that people share the results of their hard work quite freely with the rest of the world. So if we want to get hints and tips – we no longer need to read those boring “best 5/7/10 tips on …. whatever” articles. We can just go to Twitter and browse. The upside is that we get exposed to a really wide set of results. Much more interesting, too!
So today we asked Twitter to find us what people (at 5PM ET) were saying was the “best iPhone App”. And, as always, we got an interesting array of results:
1) @MarKByZzLe try @Twitbird it’s the best iPhone app for twitter – free version
2) Phone2Anything #Best iPhone #app is available in the #appstore. This iPhone app is mainly for travelers with the aim of helping them to find anything anywhere – its free.
3) @finaorio: Best iPhone app TigerText, deletes messages from the sender and the recipient’s phones
Free texting to anyone else who also has this app. (App is free)
4) walter25: Just have to say #boxcar is the best #iPhone app ever. Manage all your social media with this one free app.
5) eliseSMILE: Best iPhone app “do good” just one little deed a day… Provides hints for ways to “do Good” and also the means to do it. (Free App)
6) rowjoelane: So what is the best iPhone app you have found “free” of course? Currently
I’m using Viber and am rating that as my current #1. Phone anyone who has vider app for free. Worth getting all your friends and family using the app!
7) ADanGrenier: OMG! Just discovered the best #iPhone app ever! @audiogalaxy is amazing! Streamin my whole iTunes library & its free! Keepin playlists too! Stream all your music and videos from your computer to your iPhone.
8 ) _creebby: @jaydez just get Echofon its the best iPhone app! That’s what my sister uses: Another Twitter streaming app that is also free.
I’m getting boxcar!