As iPhone owners we get access to a LOT of great free Apps, games and sometimes free music and the occasional free Movie. Most of us assume, I am sure, that we get these freebies because developers are seeking brand recognition, to get traffic to their site, to onsell us to more expensive versions of their product etc (ie, we all get that there is no such thing a s free lunch). But a news item today suggests there may also be a more sinister reason!
The Nelson Law Firm, PC filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York on August 19, 2009. The suit alleges that Apple is liable for copyright infringement for the use of Mr. Psihoyos’ famous “1000 TVs” image in an iPhone application without Psihoyos’ permission. The application, i.TV was formerly one of Apple’s most popular iPhone applications.
We all know this famous image:
The law suit is pretty modest – its for only $2million – pocket change for Apple. So the iPhonegizmo team are all puzzled that this situation would ever arise.
But wait, there’s more! Because apparently Mr. Psihoyos is not alone! SMH reports that a Swiss company last month sued Apple for using its book-reading app technology without permission. And back in March, a Texas company sued Apple allegedly for using its technology to send digital audio to the iPhone and iPod music player without paying for it.
Apple – on the other hand – has vigorously used copyright law to protect its own bottom line. As readers would know, the iPhonegizmo team has expressed dismay in the past over some of Apple’s fairly blatant moves to use the law to squash competition.
Its great to have the iPhone technology – but we all know that Apple is making a mint from it. So there is no excuse for pillaging other (smaller entities) property! And the ongoing challenges from around the globe do make it look as if Apple has been caught with its hands in the cookie jar.
We say – let Apple know that we EXPECT them to respect copyright laws as well!! Apple does NOT provide an email address (like many big companies, it seems that they do not want to hear from their customers), nor do they have a customer complaints department!! But they do have a Public Relations department – and have a big selection of people that can be contacted regarding Apple market place behavior. So if you feel like giving them a phone blast – here is a link to a good selection of people to call!