There’s a pleasure, isn’t there in changing our iPhone wallpaper for special occasions – like Easter. We went looking for the latest free iPhone wallpapers for the Easter season and found….. not a lot! Now that the iPhone is a done deal (top of all done deals, without a doubt – but no longer the bestest new toy) – there just is not the same frenzy of “free for iphone” stuff on offer.
Still we did find some – and the best two (we reckon) we include here:
This site offers 7 other Easter-theme iPhone wallpapers for you to choose from and they also give easy-to-follow instructions on how to set iPhone wallpapers.
We also found this beautifully done “twelve stations meditation freebie” (use the above guideline to set this as your wallpaper):
The other 11 stations are just as beautifully illustrated – and free to download (the 12 Stations Meditation is a flash file. This can be viewed with flash player which you can download free from, or in a web browser with flash plug in – most browsers should have this) – at jonnybaker.blogs
But be warned, several nuisance sites selling spyware products have targeted the search terms related to this post – so if you go looking for your own wallpapers and you get one of these sites, be ready to close your browser in a hurry.