In a recent post we showed you how to get a free iPhone. And here is another! Because ACU is giving them away for free:
During the university’s June orientation session, Abilene [Texas] Christian University administrators handed out the next-generation Apple iPhone 3GS for students to begin using over the summer.
Niow, whilst enrolling in a university might not be the way you want to go about getting a free iPhone, its worth taking a look at why they are doing this!
Because its easy to carry, connected to a vast data base of information, and equiped with a vast array of apps, the iPhone is an appealing device for use in education. Here is what ACU has to say about it:
And they are not just using rhetoric here. The iPhone has been embedded into the university priocesses as well as haveing a solid iTunes presence.
It is a great model for how to introduce this technology into the educationsector and well worth while looking at for anyone who has kids in school, runs training programs, does in-house seminars, or is involved in any other education/training setup – particularly if it involves media (drama schools, art schools etc).
Some of the usefuland free downloads for education (or apps) referred to in the video are listed below:
1) The first app referred to in the video is the Tubey – it is useful to download because with it we can create videos on our iPhone which will then be automatically uploaded to YouTube.
2) The second app – FlipBook Lite – (the free version referred to in the video), can be used to make animations on the iPhone.
And the last app – wikipanion – allows us to easily access Wikipedia. Its usefulness for students is, we think, obvious!