iPhone App That has the Celebrities Laughing!

4 Oct

In our previous post we told you about a fun contest that could win you $500 in a weekly win and maybe even $5000 if you are the overall winner! What you have to do is use the T-Pain App to produce a song (singing along to “I’m on a Boat”), video it and upload it to YouTube. Now you are encouraged on the T-Pain site to use humor.

Well, T-Pain himself has been having some fun with the App! And showing us how even the most serious of topics can be lightened up. We thought his “take” was hilarious! Maybe you will get inspired?


This video, can you believe it, has been watched by 180,000 viewers in just  3 days! That kinda shows that the T-Pain App is a lotta fun. I think we are going to see a LOT of action on YouTube with this App.