October UPDATE: This deal is still available so check it out quick!!!
Just a quick post to let you know about another great way to get free iPhone music downloads. We reckon we have found a great offer – 35 DMR-free-songs (and we get to choose whatever songs we want!)! That’s at least $35 being given away!
So… what’s the catch? Well, firstly, we have to sign up for membership. Then we only have 7 days to download all the songs. (So make sure you know what you want before you sign up!) Did we mention that there are 35 FREE iPhone songs?
and that they are DMR free?
You can cancel your subscription any time by going to your account page. But if you download MORE than the allowed 35 MP3s, you will trigger an upgrade to paid membership status. So BE WARNED!
Also – you must cancel your free membership before it ends in order to avoid being converted to paid membership.
Also – follow our links above to get the max number of 35 free songs for downloads .