The team here has taken a look at the free medical apps that have been developed for iPhones. Much to our surprise we found that a big percentage of these apps have been given terrible ratings!This was true for apps that – by their name and intent – we thought would be super useful. Apps like those that offer to keep track of medications, orbe a quick guide to ailments. Quick fix medical Apps do not seem to be well received.
On the other hand, there are many specialist apps developed for medical practitioners that got the thumbs up from the medical profession.
Perhaps this just shows that when it comes to health, the apps have to be sophisticated to really be of value. All the same, there were 14 out of the first 100 medical apps that got good ratings (3 stars or better) and were for use by the general public rather than the medical profession. All are listed below but we have showcased those we liked, or got hot star ratings:
uHear 3.5star 8 Glasses a Day 3 star Eye Chart 3 star Relax 3 star Med Calculator 3 star Bone Knowledge 3 star Web MD Mobile 3.5 star Eye Chart 3 star
The Asthma Journal allows sufferers to keep a daily journal to keep track of their symptoms, potential triggers and medication. So far has a 4-star rating but is a new app.
iPot Lite is the first location-based medical marijuana application for the iPhone and has been well regarded with a 3.5 star rating
Easy to see why Baby Daily Log has gotten a 3.5 star rating as it can monitor diaper changes, feeding, bath and tummy time, sleep and wake schedules and records baby’s stats like height, weight and temperature (just click the top icon to get this free app from iTunes).
Fertility and Pregnancy Calculator works out your important fertility and -pregnancy dates and must be good as it has a 3.5-star rating! Sleep Diary helps insomnia sufferers to find out what is keeping them awake! This app helps us work out what factors – eg diet, exercise and medications – affect our sleep (has got a 3- star rating)
The final app in our list is the Diabetes Manager that can help diabetics to keep track of their glucose results, carb intake and insulin doses. It also provides charts and graphs to help with management. So far has a 5-star rating, so is a super well received app!
Well, you get the idea! When you use the search strategy we showed you in a recent post you can quickly find medical apps that suit your needs. Just check the ratings below the images to see what others that have used the app have to say about it.