Free iPhone Videos That Will Blow You Away!

14 Mar

The iPhonegizmo team – as you can appreciate -has its fair share of geeks. And what do geeks love most? They lovvve technology that goes boom! And the free iPhone videos featured on today’s post do that with flare and style. Check out some samples of these beautifully produced videos:

How to smash a helicopter


Climate Change As Seen From Heaven


OK – so now you know we are posting about NASA. Because NASA has launched (yeah, lousy pun – but ya gotta do what ya gotta do) three free apps already in 2010 that are worth getting.  PLUS they have also launched NASACast Video through iTunes which provide free video podcasts from NASA including a weekly update TV show which we can download and watch on our iPhone – the latest one from just two days ago is shown below:


Now you may have noticed that all the videos shown in the post are from YouTube. Well, NASA has four YouTube channels as well. So you can see these videos there – but there is a bit of work finding videos on any particular subject. For once, its easier to use iTunes! Either by downloading the NASA Video Podcasts:

Free iPhone Videos from Nasa


Space Images

Or by downloading any or all of the apps:

1)  The first Official NASA App  (with 10,000 ratings at 3.5 star since Dec 2010, so its been popular) provides incredible footage of shots of the planet from space.

2) The Second app (first released at the end of Jan 2010) provides stunning images of stars and planets.

3) And the third app (released only a few days ago) is a FREE GAME – the NASA Lunar Electric Rover (LER) Simulator. Now we can pretend that WE are astronauts! because this game gives a a glimpse of life on an outpost on the moon.

And the good news is that you don’t have to live in the USA to enjoy these beautifully produced NASA videos !