25 Feb

Daily Record – APPLE and Cisco Systems have agreed to share the name iPhone. Under the agreement, both companies are free to use the iPhone trademark on their products throughout the world. Apple and Cisco agreed to explore opportunities for … Read More »

Hard-Drive Capacity Math: Tech Clinic

24 Feb

Popular Mechanics – CES 2007 Get hands-on with the newest innovations from PM’s tech team: 24 videos, live blogging from Instapundit Glenn Reynolds, podcasting and a cheaper iPhone. Sprint set for iPhone challengeKansas City Star – Steve Jobs knows how … Read More »

National Business Minute

24 Feb

KFOR – SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) _ It looks like Cisco Systems and Apple have been able to head off a court fight over the name “iPhone”. They have reached a settlement on the trademark issue, allowing sharing of the … Read More »